Do you need a building permit to install an ephemeral Orangery?
The rule: all buildings are subject to building permits (PC) Article L. 421-1 of the Urbanism Code subject all buildings, including those that do not have a foundation, to the building permit: “Anyone wishing to undertake or implement a building for residential or non-residential use, even without foundations, must first obtain a building permit. This obligation is imposed on public services and utility dealers of the state, departments and municipalities as well as private individuals. »
The PC application cannot be heard (Article 3 of The Architecture Act 77-2 of January 3, 1977) that if the person wishing to undertake work subject to a building permit has enlisted the help of an architect to establish the architectural project
. It is strongly advised to approach an architect (we can put you in contact with a partner architect) who will make all requests to the ABF and the steps to the Town Hall. It is advisable to contact the ABF ahead of the project and to involve it in the. And why not bring him on the spot to present his project? Many ABF are sensitive to this gesture. The aesthetics of the project (our Orangeries fit perfectly) will be watched, respect for the heritage and history of the place. In addition, it is necessary to be demanding at the level of the development. Some ABF are also very open to the economic development of historic sites. Then it will be possible to file the PC with the commune.
Procedures and deadlines for the investigation of work authorizations have been harmonised by Law No. 2016-925 of 7 July 2016 relating to freedom of creation, architecture and heritage. Any application for permission for work must be submitted to the town hall of the municipality where the work is planned. The time to process work authorization applications is two months for pre-reporting. They are four months for building permits, other than detached houses.